Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday's Assignment

Let's focus on the topic of protecting human rights this morning. How does it work in Canada? In Ontario?

Here are your tasks:

1-Read, listen to, and watch this presentation.
2-Write 5 T/F statements.
  1. The Charter don't protects every Canadian’s right to be treated equally under the law.( )
  2.  Charter rights to equality and wide and other basic rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion ( ).
  3. The Canadian Human Rights Act of 1977 don't protects people in Canada from discrimination when they are employed by or receive services from the federal government ( ).
  4. Canada’s human rights laws are not part of the Constitution( ).
  5. Provincial and territorial human rights laws share many similarities with the Canadian Human Rights Act and apply many of the same principles ( )

3-Write 3 questions about the presentation based on your background and beliefs.