Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Here Are Your Tasks: 24 + 1 By May 20


1_CLB5S Invite a friend, co-worker, or classmate to lunch.
1.Record your conversation with your partner on, indicating who are speaking.
First greet each other.

2.Partner A invites Partner B to a lunch on Saturday. B says no and gives a reason, but invites A to lunch the following Saturday. A agrees but wants to understand some detail that is not clear about the lunch (e.g. who all will be there, going dutch, time, venue)

2.End the conversation in a friendly way, and record it the other way as well--i.e. Partner B starts by inviting A to an event on Saturday.

conversation between Emma&Sally.
Emma:Hi Sally, How are you?
Sally:Hi, Emma, I'm fine thank you, how about you?
Emma:I'm Ok, could you please come my house for a lunch on Saturday?
Sally:This is nice of you but I'm sorry I can't come. This Saturday I had(have) a few pending  plans. First I had(have) to take my older son to his friends house for a birthday party, and I went (go) to the mall to by some think I need it Then I go to pick him up.
 Emma:Oh, you are busy.
Sally:Yes,Ok (how) what about Sunday. I have a BBO dinner, Could you come please?
Emma:Really,I'm so happy to go, but may I know who will be there.
 Sally:I inviting all of our old friends.
Emma: Do you mean I know everyone?
 Sally: Yes, and everyone will cook by himself.
Emma: Ok, I will be there, thank you Sally.
Sally: Your welcome, see you soon. Bye.

2.Ask yourself: Did you opens and maintain a conversation; respond to small talk; extend, accept or decline invitations; takes turns by giving non-verbal and verbal signals; encourage conversations by using eye contact, nodding, showing interest, etc.; and indicate non-comprehension?

2-CLB5S Give directions to a home or business.
1.Record a voicemail of your directions on

2.Begin with a polite greeting and the reason for the voicemail. Tell the person how to get from Don Mills Station to 1955 Steeles Ave East on the TTC, including the bus numbers, estimated waiting/arrival times, and street names.

A_Good Morning, I'm Emma.
B_Good Morning, I'm Sally.
A_ Excuse me. Could you help me
B_Of course, how can I helped you.
A_How do  I get from Don Mills Station to 1955 Steele Ave East on the TTC.
B_Ok, no problem, you should take bus of North -25 towards Steeles Ave East. The bus comes every  9 minutes. When you Depart  Steeles Ave East Station Transfer to bus of East - 53 towards Finch Station. The bus comes every 4 minutes. The total time is 25 minutes until you arrive there.
 A_Thank you for your help.
B_No problem, any time.
A_Ok have a good day.
B_Thanks, you too,bey.

3.Ask yourself: Did you use appropriate courtesy forms and structures and appropriate expressions to sequence instructions?


3_CLB5S Ask permission from a teacher to hand in an assignment late.
Record a voicemail of your request on
Begin with a polite greeting, state your request and good reasons for it. Think of a polite way to end.
Ask yourself: Did you provide details and give reasons, and did you use modals with the appropriate level of politeness?

4_CLB5S Describe symptoms to a pharmacist in order to get an appropriate medication.
1.The pharmacist asks you, "So, how can I help you today?" Record your detailed response on

2.Note the relationship and age of the person who needs the medication, and list the duration and nature of the symptoms--e.g. coughing for 3 days, rashes for 2 hours, fever of 39C overnight; and.what you have done so far--e.g. Tylenol, massage, exercise.

Pharmacist:How can I help you.
Thank you, This is my mother in law, she is 58 years old. This is health card.
She is suffering from high blood pressure three years suddenly she felt the pain in her head I  gave her pills from a  Tylenol but they have not improved, and worked her examination of the pressure was a little high, and I gave her medicine pressure hours ago, but still feel a headache, dizziness, if not improved, what do I do.
3.Include 2 questions for the pharmacist.

 Excuse me, I would ask you a couple of questions. First questions. Do walking and drinking water have useful.
 Second questions. If she still feel pain can I give her more of the medication.

4.Ask yourself: Did you provide necessary information; ask relevant questions; repeat information and ideas to confirm understanding; express opinions and feelings; agree and disagree appropriately; thank others for their contributions and information; and participate adequately in interactions with some degree of support from others?

5_CLB5S Answer the phone at work. Provide information to the caller (such as company name, hours of operation, basic information about a product or service).
1. Leave a telephone recording of the above details on

Good morning, thank you for calling Bridlewood Mall.
Adderss: 2900 Warden Av, Scarborough, on M1W2S8.
Our hours are Mon - Fri: 10:00 a.m - 9:00 p.m. 
Sat 9:00 a.m - 9:00 p.m.
Sun 11:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m.
Declares Bridlewood Mall discounts on all merchandise of up to 60% The occasion of Victoria Day for 3 days .

2.Include a tiny detail about a good or service not available, e.g. an advertised sale of mushrooms or free rides that has run out. What expressions would you use?

  • Please wait a minute  let me to check.
  • Thank you for waiting. I’m sorry, This promotion finished yesterday.
3,Ask yourself: Did you answer the phone, greet a caller, and close a conversation using appropriate conventions and expressions; and provide simple personal information?
Yes, I did.

6_CLB5S Give instructions to a new coworker on how to use an appliance, machine, or system at work, such as a photocopier or coffee-maker, or how to transfer a call on a telephone system.
1.Watch how your instructor makes coffee every morning and write down the three basic steps. What nouns, verbs, and prepositions are important to know? How would you show sequence and politeness?

A_Hello, My name is Ahmed, I'm a new student.
B_ Nice to meet you. Ahmed, I'm Omar. How can I help you.
A_Excuse me, could you tell me how to use this printer machine please.
B_ Sure. First remove the lid. Put the paper you want to copy. Face down than close the lid. Now choose number of copies, if one side page or tow sided page (called pint preferences options).
Now click start, wait a little until the end of copy, and remove original from lid.
And finally, take photo copes from they.
A_Thank you, Omar.
B_Your welcome Ahmed.

2.Record on your instructions to a new student on how to make coffee for everybody in.your instructor's absence.

3.Ask yourself: Did you use appropriate courtesy forms and structures and appropriate expressions to sequence instructions?
Yes, I did.

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